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5 Things I Know Now: A DGH Podcast - the innovative and practical new series from the Dorset Growth Hub. Following on from the first two series of The Dorset Growth Hub podcast, we’re bringing an exciting spin to the format, where top business leaders share the five lessons that helped them find success.

Kicking off this series are the Dorset Growth Hub’s very own Nick Gregory, Mary Lloyd & Rich Burn, each of whom have brought their own thought-provoking lists in a series premiere that lauds the importance of confidence, creativity, empathy, and travel.

This episode covers:

  • The various types of confidence you should try to exhibit

  • Embracing change and adapting to it

  • The value of empathy in business

  • Following through on creative ideas

  • The importance of constantly learning

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Episode highlights

“Don't go out trying to cold call or cold sell first thing in the morning, get your confidence going first. Meet a few people, have some friendly conversations, and then you're safe to tackle something that's a bit scary.” - 5:00 - Nick Gregory

“If you haven't got confidence in your team, it shows through, and then people start to worry and they don't perform. So you've got to have confidence in your staff.” - 7:40 - Nick Gregory

“You've got to have the confidence, if you feel that things aren't going as they should or could be better, to bring in other help or talk to advisors. Sometimes you can struggle with a problem yourself for days and days and days, and someone can just say, ‘Why don't you do that?’ and you go, ‘Oh my God, why didn't I think of that?!’” - 10:40 - Nick Gregory

“If I can see that someone is feeling something towards a work situation, I can tend to get on their page and sort of work with them or alongside them to make the change that might need to happen.” - 16:35 - Rich Burn

“If you're going to progress your career, make sure that in doing it you ingratiate people to your ideas, to your way of thinking, and take them with you. You'll ultimately get more from that, the business and your team will get more from that. Then it's not just you alone standing in the corner trying to make things happen getting frustrated, you've actually got a team around you that believe in the way that you're doing things.” - 25:50 - Rich Burn

“I think that travel has really helped me to be empathetic, and see that we are so lucky for what we have, see the differences in people, the differences in the world and make small changes in my own life to kind of appreciate things and also have a willingness to do any job.” - 39:05 - Mary Lloyd

“I always have to be learning and trying new things. I always like to figure things out and solve problems, whether it's some tech, untangling a problem, or figuring something out. ” - 41:00 - Mary Lloyd

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