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  • What sectors are not elgible?
    Some sectors are not eligible on this programme due to Central Government Legislation. These sectors include: *Fishery & Aquaculture, *Primary Production, Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, *Coal, Steel and Shipbuilding sectors,*Synthetic Fibres, *Generalised School Age Education, *Banking and Insurance Companies. (*please click here for full eligibility guidelines). ​ Some retail activities may also not qualify. We can only accept those who are eligible onto our events. If you require more information or are unsure if you are eligible for the support we offer, you can call us on 03454 586 480 and a member of the DGH team will be happy to help.
  • How do I access your service?
    You can register on an event by going to our events page. To view full details of our services, including grants and access to 121 support please click here. You can also contact us with your query here
  • Can I have more than 12 hours support?
    All businesses in Dorset can access a minimum of 12 hours fully funded support, further support is available subject to availability and demand.
  • Why do I have to provide my personal / business details?
    This programme is funded by ERDF and as such we need to provide data to the funding bodies about individuals and businesses that have received support from the programme.
  • Why do I have to provide a copy of my UTR number?
    This programme is funded by ERDF and as such we need to provide data to the funding bodies about businesses that have received support from the programme – UTR numbers cannot be checked on any publicly available database as is the case for Limited Companies.
  • I am only just outside the border of Dorset, can I still get support?"
    This programme is only for Dorset based individuals and businesses – you can contact your local Growth Hub / Local Enterprise Partnership for information on business support in your area.
  • I live outside Dorset but my business is registered in Dorset – can I still get support?
    Yes – please register for supportwith your business address.
  • What is a pre-start?
    This is an individual who has not yet registered their business as self-employed (sole trader) with HMRC OR as a Limited Company.
  • What is a start-up?
    This is a business in their first 12 months of registration.
  • What is a Micro?
    This is included in SME definition and refers to small enterprises with fewer than 10 employees.
  • What is an SME?
    Small and medium sized enterprise with fewer than 250 employees and turnover of less than EUR50 million.
  • Can 2 of us attend a workshop?
    There is one place per business on all events, if there is capacity there may be the opportunity for two representatives from the same business to attend and you can call us to request this. If you require a support worker to attend with you please call us to discuss and we will make every effort to accommodate you
  • If I can only attend part of the event can I come back another time for the bit I missed?
    When booking an event it is important that you ensure you can attend in its entirety. Where circumstances arise that make this impossible we will do our best to accommodate you at a later date although this cannot be guaranteed.
  • What grant funding is available for start-ups?
    DGH don’t have any grants suitable for start-ups at the moment.
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